We specialize in Triple-Washed, Read-to-Eat Certified Organic salad mix and other baby greens. We process our salads according to Commonwealth Quality Processor standards in our Certified Kitchen. All of our salads are Ready-to-Eat, and Ready-to-Eat means clean, clean, clean! We are diligent in our Triple-Wash process line to keep our customers 100% assured that our salads can go right from the bag to the plate.
Expect flavor and personality in our salads.
Salad Mix: May through November; this our classic no-lettuce salad mix that many customers rely on for their every meal; tender leaves, long-lasting.
Lettuce Mix: May through November; tender, beautiful lettuce leaves, soft texture, mild lettuce flavor; great for salads or topping sandwiches.
Baby 'Wild' Arugula: May through November; tender, nutty, aromatic; this is single-cut arugula, which means it is a whole different product and flavor profile than adult arugula.
Magic Mix: June through October; a combination of our classic Salad Mix, Lettuce Mix, and Edible Flowers; the best of all worlds for flavor and aesthetic.
Baby Kale: May through November; miniature kale leaves; great raw, for a massaged kale salad, adding to soup, or sauteing.
Tatsoi: May through November; we dub tatsoi to be the "All-Season Spinach" alternative, since Tatsoi is nutrient packed, grows well through seasons; mild flavor; use as you would spinach, raw or cooked.
Microgreens: year-round production; a beautiful, spicy mix perfect for topping salads, sandwiches or soups.
Pea Shoots: Fall-Winter-Spring production; gorgeous and sweet tendril tips, perfect raw or flash sauté; flavor of snap peas, tender stem & leaves.